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Music composition communities, associations, forums, and organizations

If you are looking for music composition communities, associations, forums, and organizations, this page is currently just a "placeholder," but I imagine it will grow to become quite the list!

Associations and Forums

National Association for Music Education (USA) - The mission of MENC: The National Association for Music Education is to advance music education by encouraging the study and making of music by all.

Washington Composers Forum (WCF) - a non-profit arts organization that nurtures the creation, performance, and dissemination of new music by composers living in Washington State.

Seattle Composers Alliance - a non-profit professional organization made up of working composers, students, and others interested in professional music composition.

American Composers Forum - links communities with composers and performers, in the making, playing and enjoyment of new music.

American Music Center - a national service and information center for new American music.

American Composers Alliance - a membership organization serving over 200 professional American composers of concert music.

International Alliance for Women in Music - a global network of women and men working to increase and enhance musical activities and opportunities and promote gender equality.

Genesis Foundation - a UK-based charity created in January 2001 to support young artists in a variety of art forms. The sister forum of A young forum that will, in particular, feature a section on "the teaching of music composition" Come and join us!
