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the way life should be

by lacey

life is everybodys nightmare. people want to get out as soon as possible, noone wants to stay forever. everything had ended in a big flood long ago and now it will end in fire. we dont know when or who is going to be saved, all we know is that is it going to happen either in the far future or soon. maybe even tomorow, today, tonight or in an hour or minute. you will never know when so that is why you have to live life to the fullest always and never not do something just because something could go wrong because anything could go wrong with anything thats why life is all about taking risks. you dont have to be a dare devil but you also dont have to be a scaredy cat either. have you heard the saying curiousity kills the cat? well it has some truth in it and it has some wrong in it too. so just remember take risks, dont just sit there doing nothing with your life. now the kinds of music i like are all, all from bachata to screamo. i dont have any kind of music except bluegrass and jazz lol.

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Sep 23, 2015
Education NEW
by: Willie T. Ayala

The way to live life is in our own hands and our interests that in which way we want to live in this world. There are many articles about "Life" in essay writers which are comprises of reviews of experienced people of world. If you are confuse about your life then you should read such articles and should try to come towards Islam.

Sep 21, 2015
Education NEW
by: best essay writer

Every one wants to spend his life in his own way. Life is a blessing of Allah. We should be thankful to Allah for this blessing. We should spend our life happily. We should make friends. every one wants to spend his life in his own way without thinking of others.

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